

Protection from the sun’s damaging rays is the number one anti-ageing trick. If you’re not wearing sunscreen every day – rain or shine – you’re putting your skin at risk of premature ageing. Wearing a high-quality SPF from reputable brands such as Heliocare is even more important than wearing a moisturiser.

Heliocare is a specialist suncare brand, having conducted numerous clinical trials on the best ingredients for UVA and UVB sun protection. They’ve also carried out research to ensure the most easily absorbable ingredients are used because there is no use using SPF if your skin doesn’t take it in. That’s why it’s especially important to use a face-specific sun cream like Heliocare sun cream or Heliocare sunblock, as the consistency is thicker than body sun lotions which are more lightweight.

Helio care sunscreen uses a patented, all-natural technology called Fernblock Photo Immunoprotection. Fernblock originates from Polypodium Leucotomos, a fern originating in Central America. It has a long, traditional history of being used for treating dermatological conditions and photoprotection, and Heliocare is now harnessing its powers in the 21st century. Fernblock has been put to the test in several clinical trials and dermatology peer-review journals and it proved incredibly effective every time as a powerful natural antioxidant and protection from UV radiation.